Book Photos

I have created a photo album on Facebook with pictures of recipes in my book. I will update the album as I get more photos. 

The book is available at, and I am currently running a promotion on Facebook to giveaway one FREE book!

If you would like to purchase the book, the following Lulu discount codes are available. Only the first three codes worked for me. I could not find expiration dates or restrictions for the other coupons. I listed them because others have had success using them. If anyone else gets them to work, please let us know how you did it!
  • GETIT15 - 15% off printed books. This code worked for me.
  • LULUORDERS5 - 5% off everything. This code worked for me.
  • FWD15 - 15% off. This code worked for me.
  • TRESACE - Buy 3 books, get 1 free.
  • S614 - 50% off shipping.
  • WBLOVE - 20% off.
  • KRBM2 - 30% off printed books.
  • PRINTME - 15% off printed books.
